The Evil Eye

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The Evil Eye
Post # 1
What is the Evil Eye?
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Re: The Evil Eye
Post # 2
I think its suppose to protect loved ones from harm.
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Re: The Evil Eye
Post # 3
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Re: The Evil Eye
By: / Adept
Post # 4
The evil eye is a big deal in Mediteranean and Middle Eastern countries. It is a type of hex given unconsciously. Certain people are able to transmit the evil eye, and most of them are unaware they are doing so and are otherwise good and peaceful people. Therefore, the evil eye is not a curse someone would cast in the normal ways.

The evil eye is most frequently given by folk who are jealous of you or jealous of your baby or a possession of yours. There is usually exagerated or prolonged praising and complementing involved when the eye is given.

Symptoms vary by culture but are always characterized by sudden onset and sudden relief when a cure is administered. There are a number of apotropaiac or repellant charms used in prevention of the eye. In my family we always hung a glass blue eye decoration inside our home facing the front door.

All you could care to read on the subject is on this webpage:
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Re: The Evil Eye
Post # 5
^_^ Evil eye is quite simple. It is said that who ever has a strong look can give evil eye, and most people (latin cultures) cover their kids when they are still young of age ( newborns till five months) because they can be killed by it. They get fever, diarrhea.. and vomit a lot. Some people make their kids get held by such person. O_O Like me, I am giving the kids so I can held him, because I can easily give the evil eye.. -_- because I was victim of it, which is another belief.. that if you were a victim yourself.. then you have such ability as well.
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Re: The Evil Eye
Post # 6
I agree totally with what your saying , and if you check around yes it is all of the middle east and Greece , Turkey and Israel that believe in the evil eye , I also have a blue evil eye stone that diverts the evil eye . there is a prayer also that can be used to help someone if they have the evil eye upon them , the Prayer though can only be passed from woman to man or man to woman , if I wanted to give the prayer to a female friend I would have to first write it down and give it to a male who then in turn must re write it and pass it on to the female .

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