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Need Answers
Post # 1
Hi to all. I have visions and most of the time the message thats there is for me to give, when i do the person never take heed and at the end it turns out jusat as it wasgiven to me. I also see thing before it happens sometimes asleep and majority of the times i am awake.

For instance: there have been several men that came my way that i have explain to them to change there way of living because they were going to get sick, they told be bull and continue to do so now they are sick with HIV. Recently i seen this vision again and told the gentleman and he say he understand and many have told him this but i know that he is not taking heed. what must i do?, Also my family i have seen death come and go by giving them warning of how to avoid certain situations and they don't friends also but i am called a witch or a voodoo woman its sad that it has to come to name calling. What must i do about this? What would i be considered a messenger?

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Re: Need Answers
Post # 2
I know where your coming from.
All you can do is offer them the information... then let it go,you've done your Job... they can take your advice or leave it. its not your job to make them follow it. just to offer it freely.
Name Calling is the sheer fact that they are Scared of the offer of information. So I stress again....Just let it go!!

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Re: Need Answers
Post # 3
the people you give the message to are given a chance it's up to them to take advantage of this. It's out of your hand and you should never feel guilty for the fact that you're warning did not help them. You are being used to help these people they are given a sign if they do not heed it that is their doing. I know you must feel like what's the point but someone wants them to have that chance and you're there do give it so that's a gift and trust me it will make a difference. When people call you a witch they say it out of fear because they do not understand you know what this word really means its a blessing so even if they name it to insult you you know in your heart that it means that you are one of the truly gifted so smile and not respond on it. being a witch is a good thing don't ever forget that. You are a messenger because you can be reached by those who want to give the message that is a blessing and even if it did not make a difference never forget that those that wanted to send the message will feel good that at least they tried their utmost best to save one they love. You work for both. You may not have helped the one to whom the message came but you helped the one who gave it. Never forget that
Blessed be
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