do the mermaid spell

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do the mermaid spell
Post # 1
-Fill the bathtub high or as high as you want it, and keep the lighting dim on it, not too bright. (I suggest doing it in the late evening.)

-Wear a necklace that is special or your favorite when doing the spell.

-Sprinkle salt all in the water.

-It is okay to write the spell down and say it!

-Get in and say this once:

a human when dry
a mermaid when wet
the rain does not matter
it cannot change me
but a single drop of any water will
a human when dry
a mermaid when wet
and to have the power
just like [say the power you want]
and to have a tail
the color of [say the color you want it to be]
a human when dry
a mermaid when wet
gills are not needed
just a big breath
that lasts for 30 minutes
a human when dry
a mermaid when wet
I will get my tail & powers
in one week
I will get my tail
one minute after being wet
this is my wish
a human when dry
a mermaid when wet

After that do what your heart tells you to do.
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