Major chakras..
The Indian yogic teachings, seven major chakras are assigned sepcific qualities. Minor chakras also have an important role to play, but not soley in regulating the flow of energy.
Chakra base/Muladhara colour red element Earth Body sense smell
Endocrine gland Testes/ovaries
Chakra Sacral/Svadisthana colour Orange element water Body sense taste Endocine gland Adrenals
Chakra Solar plexus/Manipura colour Yellow element fire Body sense sight endocrine gland pancreas
Chakra Heart/Anahata colour green/pink element Air Body sense Thymus
Chakra - Throat/Vishuddha colour turguoise element - Ether/Akasha Body sense - Hearing endocine gland - Thyroid/parathyroids
Chakra - Brow/Ajna colour Deep Blue element spirit Body sense Extra-sensory perception - endocrine gland pituitary
Chakra Crown/Sahasrara colour violet/gold element spirit Body sense all the sense Endocrine gland pineal
Minor chakras
Are concerned with vital body functions, tehy receive and discharge subtle energy to keep the body healthy. Those of the soles of the feet and knees maintian our connection or grounding (vital for all our magick we do!!) to the earth. Gonad chakras interact with our sexual functions aided by the Base and Sacral chakras. Stomach, Liver adn Spleen chakras ineract with the Solar Plexus chakra. Thymus chakra supports the heart chakra. Breast and clavical chakras cane affect the lympathic system. Eye and temple chakra feed the brain but can develop to send healing to others via extra-sensory information. Hand chakras give and receive the gift of touch to express our heart.
Alta major another vital chakra the Alta major is situated at the base of the back skull (the bakc of your neck) is the energy point for race memory and survival patterns inehrited from ancestors, as well as distant memory, possibly involving past life-recall.
21 minor chakras identified..
ONE - on each sole of the feet
ONE behind each knee
ONE each gonad
TWO for the spleen
ONE for the stomach
ONE near the liver
ONE for the palm of each hand
ONE on each breast
ONE on each clavical
ONE each eye
ONE each temple
ONE for the thymus gland (centre of the chest)
Chakra qualities
Active the chakra is functioning as intended, showing a healthy input and output of energy. The person in question will normally be fit and healthy. Different parts fo their energy fiels the emotional. Mental and spiritual bodies will be vibrant as well.
Underactive the particular chakra needs some types of stimulation, perhaps in order to cope with adverse conditions in the physical body or in the energy field.
Passive/balanced the chakra energies are either at rest or in a harmonious balance input and output.
Overactive the chakra is overstimulated, possibly because it is trying to eliminate imbalances in the physical body. According to deep shamanic practices, our luminious bodies can have a randge of undersireable energies attached to them.. overactivity of certain chakras may be due to them trying to eliminate long-held imprints that are detrimental to our well-being (such as teh imprints of addiction or abuse)
Chakra awareness
Helps our chakras to stay balanced and your to be focused...
If your base chakra is not strong enough, you may feel unhappy with your body size or shape, or you may feel that you are not gaining control of your life. Yet if your base is overactive, you may explode angrily ar the slightest thing.
Low energy flow through the Sacral chakra will cause you not thave any joyful moments in your life. If it is hyperactive, you may experience tears of fustration
Inactivity of the Solar Plexus Chakra will cause you to feel powerless when you are under pressure and to develop queasy feeling, or butterflies in your stomach. Overactivity will make you dominerring and a control freak.
If you feel that your heart has missed a beat, it may show a weak Heart chakra as well as a weak physical heart. If you become red or your pulse races in stressful situations, your heart chakra may be overactive.
A weak throat chakra can make you unable to speak the truth, or you may sutter or shake. An overactive thorat chakra will cause you to speak before you think sometimes with hurtful words.
If you cannot visualise and oragnise your life well, then your brow chakra is underactive, if you experience nightmares you may be overactive
An inability to think clearly when under stress means that your crown charkra is weak. If you want to eat all the fruits of spirituality before learning how to grow them then your crown charka is unbalanced