Earth Power

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Earth Power
Post # 1
The second source of magical energy spings from the earth itself. Those of us who've admired a stand of trees, a field of wildfowers, a calm lake, or a cave, have already felt something of the energy that exists within the earth.
Magicians sense even greater amounts of energy within natural objects, and choose them (according to their forms) to act as magical batteries during rituals. These forms of natural tools include stones, plants, lakes, oceans, storms, winds, flame, and many others. Each possesses separate, distinct types of energy suitable for specific magical changes.
In natural magic we join personal power with earth power. This is done through certain rituals designed to create our needed changes. The type of change determines the form of earth power used. We absorb earth power (and all types of energy that don't originate within our bodies) through the receptive hand. This is the opposite of the projective hand described earlier. For most of us, this is the left hand.
Earth power is divided into four main divisions: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

Look for the next post!
Blessed Be )O(
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