Opening the Chakras

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Opening the Chakras
Post # 1

Chakra meditations that use mudras and sounds to open chakras

These chakra meditations use mudras, which are special hand positions, to open chakras. The mudras have the power to send more energy to particular chakras.
To enhance the effect, sounds are chanted. These sounds are from Sanskrit letters. When chanted, they cause a resonation in your body that you can feel at the chakra they are meant for.

For pronunciation, keep in mind that:
the "A" is pronounced as in "ah,"
the "M" is pronounced as "mng."

Do a meditation for 7 - 10 breaths. Chant the sound several times each breath (for example three times).

Check out these recommendations on working with your chakras.

Open the Root Chakra
Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.
Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.
Chant the sound LAM.

Additional techniques to open the Root chakra
Open the Sacral Chakra
Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently.
Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).
Chant the sound VAM.

Open the Navel Chakra
Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers.
Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.
Chant the sound RAM.

Open the Heart Chakra
Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus).
Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart.
Chant the sound YAM.

Open the Throat Chakra
Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up.
Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.
Chant the sound HAM.

Open the Third Eye Chakra
Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops.
Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.
Chant the sound OM or AUM.

Open the Crown Chakra
Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right.
Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head.
Chant the sound NG.
Warning: don't use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don't have a strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first).

Re: Opening the Chakras
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Very good my love, i love this, i was thinking of posting the very thing the other day lol.

Re: Opening the Chakras
Post # 3
This is awesome, Tank...I do these on a routine basis.

There are also crystals that correspond to the chakras.
The idea is to lay the corresponding crystal on each chakra and meditate...15 min is fine. Can be done daily, weekly or whenever you feel like your all in turmoil.

Crystals and the Chakras
When healing and balancing the chakras, a corresponding stone is placed on the chakra--either on the front or back of your body, whichever is most comfortable for you. ( I prefer the front, just easier to meditate that way for me)

1st chakra--Root
Color--red, black
Energy focus--stability, grounding, physical energy, will,
Stones--Hematite, Black Obsidian, Black tourmaline, Red
Zincite, Garnet, Red Jasper

2nd chakra--Sacral
Color--Orange, Blue Green
Energy focus--Creativity, healing, sexuality and reproduction,
desire, emotion, intuition
Stones--Orange calcite,Vanadinite, Carnelian, Blue-green
turquoise, Blue-green fluorite

3rd cchakra--Solar Plexas
Energy focus--intellect, ambition, personal power, protective
Stones--Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Golden calcite

4th chakra--Heart
Color--pink, green
Energy focus--Love, compassion, universal conscoiusness,
emotional balance
Stones--Rose Quartz, Pink/Rubellite Tourmaline, Watermelon
tourmaline, Green Aventurine, Malachite, Jade

5th chakra--Throat
Energy focus--Communication center, expression, diving guidance
Stones--Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Blue Kyanite, Angelite,
Blue Turquoise

6th chakra--Third Eye
Energy focus--Spiritual Awareness, psychic power, intuition,
Stones--Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Sugilite

7th chakra--Crown
Color--Violet, Golden White
Energy focus--Enlightenment, cosmic consciouness, energy,

Now working with any crystal, cleansing is essential before you use them.(to cleans away any negativity that the crystal may have picked up) There are many ways to cleanse, my personal favorite is to run the crystal through white sage smoke.
There are a few that do not need to be cleansed.
There is also charging the crystal with energy. Probably many ways of doing this also, my personal favorite is sitting the crystal on a window sill in the moonlight. Charging can be done by the sunlight also, but some crystals will fade in the sunlight.
There is also programming each crystal. This can be done by holding the crystal in your projective (power) hand, the hadn you write with, and meditating and asking the crystal what you would like it to do for you.

(the cleansing, charging and programming applies to any crystal for whatever you want to use it for....spells, gridding, etc.)

Re: Opening the Chakras
Post # 4
She beat me to it also,

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