OMG!! You are not...

CovenBaron La Croix ► OMG!! You are not...
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OMG!! You are not...
Post # 1
going to believe this one! I was sitting here in the music room at the computer and looked up at the windows.. there is some sort of writing on one of them and some weird symbols.. I guess the moisture in the air brought them out to where they are visible. It's not from the window company type writing either. The letters and a number, they are 2 R A S H R and then there are 3 symbols below.The three look like drawings of tall jars or vases, there's a big one in the middle and it has a top on it, and they have some sort of scribbles in them. I can't tell exactly what is written in them but the last one looks like different letters and numbers mixed together. Oh and the 2 has slashes coming from the bottom. This is way too weird..I think it was written on the out side of the window cause I tried to smudge it and it wouldn't smear. So who ever did it wrote it backwards from the outside as to where it was readable to the inside or facing in side...Found my hex...need to know what to do to break it.

Re: OMG!! You are not...
Post # 2
on further investigation it WAS written on the inside...I cleaned it off and am going to make a "tea" with poke root and cleanse it with that..I can't afford to break the window and replace it. You know the saying "break the window, break the hex"

Re: OMG!! You are not...
Post # 3
yeah wash the window dont break the window, I cant afford to go around breaking things either.

Re: OMG!! You are not...
Post # 4
Ha HA funny. I just hope what i did worked

Re: OMG!! You are not...
Post # 5
It will, and I mailed you other things to do as well

Re: OMG!! You are not...
Post # 6
I had something written on my bathroom window with the word HELP! please what does this mean! I have tried contacting the spirit but no answer.

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