Ack, a title! NOOO!

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Ack, a title! NOOO!
Post # 1
Haha, title XD I never know what to put in those things!
First off, here's my bio;
"Ok! I'm a 13-year old British girl. Yey, a/s/l is sorted! Basically, I'm a newbie at magic, and I've never tried any spells. OK, once I tried to see auras using this thing in a psychic (ack, spelling?!) mag, but I failed... Anyways, I've always loved the idea of magic! I'm particularly interested in magic that allows you to fly, change into an animal, and talk to animals. I'm also into earth magic. Oh, oh, and I love dragons ^^"

Ja! I don't come from a magic family; in fact, they're sceptics! But really, I'd love to give it a go. As in the bio, animal and earth spells are very welcome! But please, I'll go post somewhere else about that. I'll trawl the forums first, in other words.
Right now I'm trying to find some magic superglue to fasten my garnet to the end of my willow wand XD.
Ahhh. If you want to chat, chat here. Yey.
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Re: Ack, a title! NOOO!
Post # 2
Oh, oh, oh! I just wanted to say that I did my avatar myself XD Darn, I wish I had a staff like that! Although maybe... Ah, whatever. I want that staff ^^
If anybody else wants one, drop me a line.
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Re: Ack, a title! NOOO!
Post # 3
Hello I am a English 16 year old, I have been on here since July at sometime and have still not yet practiced magic, I have basically just been trying to find information first, maybe you will do better then me, and I am interested in flying I have always been interested in it ever since I was really young, welcome to the site anyway!
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Re: Ack, a title! NOOO!
Post # 4
I don't care what anyone says about not being able to fly as most people do I beleive there is some way you can do it but its proberly tricky!
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