How do i enchant a wand

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How do i enchant a wand
Post # 1
how do I? Well i touched a tree and asked it for a branch, I took it and left bread for the birds as a thank you. But how do i enchant it?
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Re: How do i enchant a wand
Post # 2
Get it from any tree but i prefer from getting one form a ash tree, but you must talk to it, and give something in return as a thank you. Like bread for the birds.
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Re: How do i enchant a wand
Post # 3
Im just having a hard time finding how to enchant a wand, is thee a particular spell or do i just use enchant object?
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Re: How do i enchant a wand
Post # 4
Lol then you have alot to learn, you have to go meditate, learn to the basics, like energy manipulating and concentrating the mind, befroe getting a wand.

hmm, well you dont have to talk to the tree or thank it, you can just take it off, but i dont mess with mother nature because thats where i get my chi off, so yea.

Anyway if you need help i could find you a site for manipulating power. Im still a beginner myself. Manipulating power is fun lol. You'll be suprised when you find out how to do it.

Anyway, just grab a piece of stick, any stick. And then find a enchantment for it, which im trying to do right now.
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