To anyone else

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To anyone else
Post # 1
This is to any and all people who are sick of not getting truthful answers from those people who claim they know everything.

I too am sick of people who claim to know everything but never provide any evidence to why they think like that.

If you need help please message me(im not sure if i will come back to this forum so please use the message system). I will provide you with honest true answers and either websites, books, or experiences not only i have had but others have had as well for proof of validity.

Just remember...if you message me you will get the complete truth. Weather it be what you want to hear or not.
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Re: To anyone else
Post # 2
Wait, your saying that a few or a lot of people on here say they know everything but really don't. I seen a few but I could easily pick them out and not speak to them. But what gets me is that you said that then you say that you can mostly answer anything? I am sorry but that does sound kinda like a joke.

But I do understand that you well do some research on the question they ask, kinda like doing their dirty work. Well anyways I have no trouble with that but you did started out really hateful to were I asked who are the ones that think "Their all that." It could lead to mistrust in many people on this site or that no one may care much about it.

Anyways, if I have any questions I will ask.
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Re: To anyone else
Post # 3
To be honest, the only people that would take offense to what i said are those who know i was referencing them(ie the ones who claim to know everything but truly are playing in there own fantasy world). did not say i would do others research for them...ive done plenty of research already throughout my years in the craft and have the evidence to give others showing that i am correct in what i say. I only speak of what i know to be true. However if someone were to ask me something that i dont know if i had the time i would look into it and get back to them.

In no way am i claiming to know everything...i was simply stating that i do not claim to know facts yet live in a fantasy world. I live in reality and still know the facts. That is why i posted this forum. I want to get people back on track when it comes to the craft.
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Re: To anyone else
Post # 4
I understand that.

"I will provide you with honest true answers and either websites, books, or experiences not only i have had but others have had as well for proof of validity." Kinda sounds like your willing to do some research.

When you ask for this kind of thing it could mislead anyone.
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Re: To anyone else
Post # 5
I believe to seek the Truth is the highest goal in this world but most humans would rather be right no matter the cost. So Adon i salute you in your efforts and hope you succeed but i have searched for and found the truth my whole life and have been led to believe that there is no ultimate truth in this dualistic reality but an absolute one that exists in each of us outside of reality and each persons understanding of this truth holds special meaning to them. and while none is completely right or wrong it must be understood that we are all on the same journey some of us are just further along than others and i believe that each person in my life serves as a rung in my ladder ascending to the heavens. and i believe that thinking for ones self and forming ones own truth is more important than following some one Else's truth no matter how correct or right it is.
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Re: To anyone else
Post # 6
"and i believe that thinking for ones self and forming ones own truth is more important than following some one Else's truth no matter how correct or right it is."

chaos this it very true, i agree 100%
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Re: To anyone else
Post # 7
Adon Your Post's Annoy Me Slightly.
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