Can I write my own spell?

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Can I write my own spell?
Post # 1
I once used a love spell that I think worked quite well. I want to do something similar now but would like a slightly er . . . different kind of love. Can I write my own new spell? I have written ones before but found them to be not as succesful as the one that I used the first time which came from a book of Candle burning rituals.

Does anyone know if there is any particular rule I should follow to do this? Is there any gods or goddesses I should ask for help from in particular. I have written a rough version already and mentioned that I would like the help of the triple goddess but only because I know this is a powerful one, not because I know a lot about it!
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Re: Can I write my own spell?
Post # 2
OF course you can write your own spells :D if ppl didn't write spells how would we have so many now :P
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Re: Can I write my own sp
Post # 3
But is there anything special i need to know first?
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Re: Can I write my own sp
Post # 4
Nope just write away
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Re: Can I write my own spell?
Post # 5
I've also tryed writing a flying spell. No success :( any help here? should it ryme? o yea if im christian can i cast spells?
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Re: Can I write my own sp
Post # 6
yes magictree and there is sort of a rule it has to either not to long (unless its a ritual)or has to describe it in depth.

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