Want to know

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Want to know
Post # 1
I came across this website by accident a few weeks ago. I applied for the Grey Magick coven, and found I was accepted. Unfortunately, due to an ill family member, I was unable to go and chat or make any posts.
I did get an email asking me to agree to certain rules of the coven, which included not performing any magick without the coven's permission. I got removed before I had a chance to reply, and then I realized the coven no longer exists. Just for the record, I would not agree to that.
I come from a long line of witches, and I have been practicing as a solitary for many years. Actually, I was probably praciticing spells before I knew what I was doing.
I don't know what happened to Grey Magick, and I would like to know,was it folded into Conjure? I do know that Magick comes second nature to members of my family, and that I could not abide by certain rules.
I hope I did not inconvenience anyone. I will remain on the site, and maybe I may want to start a coven of my own soometime in the future.
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Re: Want to know
Post # 2
The coven was deleted, some people had a fight, and now most of it's members are in conjure...(I prefer time mages!)

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