I have a confession

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I have a confession
Post # 1
those who have been calling me a fraud are only half right I am one of the nine demon lords but what I haven't told you is that the demon lords and shadow lords are the samme people. the term shadow lord comes from a classification of lords shaddow , light and ballence
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Re: I have a confession
Post # 2
I sk that you look at this and reply for thenine lords are gathering once more
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Re: I have a confession
Post # 3
Do the nine demon lords watch anime? Im not trying to bagg you out or anything, just wanna know.
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Re: I have a confession
Post # 4
apparently they do.
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Re: I have a confession
Post # 5
WHy not? Are they not in human bodies? Usually the minds of the ppl and demons are intertwined
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Re: I have a confession
Post # 6
Yeah but, aren't the lords FULL demons? If so, how much is internet in hell?
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Re: I have a confession
Post # 7
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Re: I have a confession
Post # 8
could care less what you are
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