is this real

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is this real
Post # 1
i believe in the power of spells i mean i am a pegan wiccan so wtf some of this stuff is outrageous whats real whats not im so lost on this site but it does interest me can someone help
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Re: is this real
Post # 2
Welcome to the site :)

I remember when my 10th grade social studies class had a whole lesson devoted to discerning reliable sources on the internet... it was for research papers and things, because you can't just copy/paste the first thing you google and expect a good research paper.

Use your own judgment, weigh the different opinions, check out the disclaimers at the bottom of every page, enjoy!
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Re: is this real
Post # 3
I have tried most of these spells and most of them work. But I am strong in my craft so what works for me may not work for you. I surgest you meditate on the one you want to do first, ok.
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Re: is this real
Post # 4
true but some ppl are putting really outragious stuff and believing its true idk its just crazy
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Re: is this real
Post # 5
they are making up sht on this site and others fight about it adn it gets crazy.
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Re: is this real
Post # 6
i want to learn a summoning spell has anyone had any real experiances and piont a spell out
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Re: is this real
Post # 7
Not every spell will work, and not every one will be able to make a spell to work. All depends in many factors, in any case some people are copying spells from other sites (O_O, because I do read a lot) and not limiting to tv shows such as Charmed. So, if you really know about how to write a spell, you will see differences, but they all are real spells if you believe they are. will the work? Probably, probably not since all depends on the circumstances. But, in any case I will say and advice to learn or start writing your own spells, since they are more personal and specific...they will work with more efficiency.
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Re: is this real
Post # 8
Yes this is very real
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Re: is this real
Post # 9
You should only try a summoning spell if you know you can hold and protect yourself well, other wise it can esaly go wrong.
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