Wand spells

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Wand spells
Post # 1
Are there any spells to enchant a wand? I'd like to use it in a ritul but want to enchant it before it do. any tips or tricks im all ears.
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Re: Wand spells
Post # 2
I know two methods.

1.place it under a full moon.

2.hold your wand in your hand and visualize energy gathering in your wand.
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Re: Wand spells
Post # 3
What you'll want to do is cleanse and consecrate it before you do anything with it (blessing is a very helpful option, but not all like to work with the Divine).

There are many techniques for this, though it is encouraged you research for your own what style works best for you (most examples given will probably be European folk style, but you can also look into oriental, native American, Australian Aboriginal, African, and others).
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