Hi. I like love spells. But,I haven't found a suitable one recently? I just want to make a person love someone. Well,not really love. Just like,be attracted to. You know? To start flirting. To encourage the first step. And give me that kind of a spell,don't go with some variations that don't have to do with what I'm asking for. And I know everything,it's affecting free will,gets back,yapyap,well. I still want to do it,so no lessons please. It's my choice-please spells. And don't give me nonmagickal advice and say magick is not for everything-because,it's going to be done the magickal way. And,I can't write the spell-I believe in my spells less what makes them weaker.
Magick is all in the mind, so adapt a love spell for attraction, what you've done is come on and gave a whole load of demands for something you can research through Google for, or through this site in the spells section.
I'm looking for one aswell,Replay. Let me know if you find one,I'll do the same if I find it first.
conjuredoc-I'm not really sure are the spells here working -sorry for replying even this is not my thread,but I'm in the same situation- ,so I'd rather ask here-now I don't have to,Replay did. :)
Some of the spells to me make no sense, then there are some that have been taken out of famous books and changed so they don't work, and others are from books like Tarostar "Spell Craft revised" which has some really good spells in if you can find it.
I can't find any spellbooks,that's why I'm asking here. If you know an online good one,or good one for download say it please.
I already said this. I know it's controlling someone but I want to do it. K? It can be cruel,I still want to do it. So please spells. Not lessons. I know you think it's wrong but I want to do it!
There is no such thing as spells that work or spells that don't. A spell is nothing more than a collection of words that address your wants in words. Spells don't work or not work based upon the wrong words. Good wording helps, but this is minutae. The truth is a spell is nothing more than an expression of want, a tool for shaping the will, and in truth are superfluous. They have no intrinsic power at all, the words have no power except for the power you give them, so when people say "it was changed so it did not work" don't know of what they speak.
Magustaus01 does have some truth in it, that is how a spell starts and ends. But a spell is also connecting herbs, color, day, hour, names, and so on to it. It isn't just words that lets you express your wants and needs.
If I just say I want to be lucky, then it might be a little bit of luck. If I burn a green candle and say it with other things then it will come by faster, even more luck. So just saying she or he loves me may not do a thing.
I do have a few spell books that has some love spells, just send me a letter on the site and I'll see what I can do for you. Just doing this because you know what your risking at.