My boyfriend proposed to the other day. And I said yes. But I was thinking, "how is this going to work?! im wiccan! he's christian!" And to any other people who are or were in the same boat I am, please help me. This is the man the goddess made me for. And I can't give up my religion and I wouldn't ask him to. And I refuse to let him down because of this small bump in the road. I've looked up hand fastening. But I want his Christian roots in it too. Its really got me worried, so anyone, please help me!
Re: Marriage to a Christian?? By: Sarafiel / Beginner
Post # 2 Apr 04, 2011
One question. Does he know you are Wiccan? If he already knows and still asked you to marry him, I'd assume he's already thought about it and it doesn't bother him.
If he doesn't know you are Wiccan it is my humble opinion that you owe it to the man you love to tell him about your faith. If this really is the man the Goddess made for you then there shouldn't be any problems. If you're worried about it keep in mind that I've seen many relationships work where the partners were not the same religion. So long as both people are willing to respect the other partner's faith, there won't be any problems you can't handle.
Be prepared for there to be tension if you tell his family about your faith and they are the sort who don't like Wiccans. Remember not all Christians are the same. I am Christian and I don't have a problem with Wiccans as a rule. A lot of Wiccans make assumptions about Christians based on the loud-mouthed bad Christians. Good Christians will offer you a place within their faith but if you are happy and find God (Goddess/divinity/whatever) another way they will be happy for you and not trouble you about it. I am Christian and I have friends who are Buddhist, Wiccan, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist AND Christian. Some Christians aren't the type to hate without cause, and I don't see a difference of opinion on religion to be cause to hate someone. All rivers flow to the sea.
My suggestion is that you talk to your fiancee about this and find out whether or not he thinks it's a good idea to tell his family. There are some situations where it's just better to keep things to yourself so you don't have problems where there wouldn't be problems otherwise.
Congratulations on your engagement and I hope everything goes well for you.
Also I come from a christian family, the loud mouth hypocrite ones,but ive always been into magic since i was little, I eventually come to honor The Gods and Goddesses. I felt like the same "christian" God i grew up with and went to church with, still supports my decision to explore magic and witchcraft.
My gf has been a long time wiccan and im fairly new, She also has christian roots. I dont liek to define myself by any one religion, but if anything i would say were christian wiccans. Probably the most disagreed and controvercial topics on these forums. but anyway, i love it and her, so if you love him and he loves you thats all that should matter. May want to look into christian wiccan info..
Thank you. Everyone. He does know about my faith and does accept it. Thankfully. I was terrified when I first told him because I do love him. And we've discussed it and he told me that he couldn't care less if we had a Christian or Wiccan wedding. As long as he was able to marry me. But I've been so worried. What will happen when I DO tell his family? It all just has me worried. I can't imagine life without him. Thank you for all the guidance and hopefully we'll have a long life together!
If he's stuck with you this far, don't worry about his family.
There are more important things to being a married couple to think about than the difference of religion (though they can add to complications). I think the biggest question when opposing religions are present in a marriage is, if we have kids, how do we raise them.
Actually, religion or not, this is a big thing to think about because opinions on it can vary.
I agree Rashnu. We've both agreed on raising our children with an earth based religon. Neither christianity or wicca. But to love everyone and everything. We just want to be the best parents we can be. And I doubt ill tell his father. His father would never allow us to be together.
I'm in kind of the same boat as you. I'm thirteen and my family is hardcore christian. I worship the goddess, and they don't know. The only one who knows is my boyfriend and he's suported me! I hope you find a solution!
I'm in the same situation. My husband and his family are Christian and I'm Wiccan. However, my husband loves me regardless and respects our differences be they religious or otherwise. His family doesn't necessarily agree with my religious views or practices but they respect them. Not all individuals may be the same, but the point is if he loves you and respects you then your choice of religion shouldn't bother him. As for his family, if they disagree you don't have to speak with them about it. Let them know your views and leave it at that.
Re: Marriage to a Christian?? By: Sarafiel / Beginner
Post # 10 Apr 06, 2011
If his father would have issues with your choice of religion it would be wise not to tell him. You don't have to lie, just let him assume everything is normal and he will. I would avoid telling anyone in his family that might slip the knowledge to his dad just to stay on the safe side.
It sounds like everything will be just fine. Don't feel bad about hiding this information from his family because it would just cause them undue stress, and they really don't understand what's going on anyway if they would have a problem with your faith.
I'm glad to hear you are so happy and best of wishes to you and your man!!!