Crystals and Healing

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Crystals and Healing
Post # 1

I have an A-Z of of Crystal healing with their meaning.

Too many to place in a forum or in the Ritual Book.

Anyone wanting to know which crystal for what ever reason, please reply to this forum and I will answer any queries.

Healing Powers of Crystals

Here are some of the ways you can use crystal power:
o Carry the crystal with you in your purse, bra or pants pocket
o Wear a crystal necklace or ring
o Put a crystal under your pillow at night (most psychic attacks take place at night)
o Put a crystal in a bowl of water under your bed or discretely on your desk at work
o Put a crystal on your table or desk with its point toward the person who is sending you negative energy
o Keep a crystal in your desk drawer or on your windowsill at home
o Put a crystal in the bathtub with you
o Rub a crystal over your body in a shower to rub away negative energies – wash them down the drain

Crystal energy is some of the most powerful energy there is. Even a simple clear quartz crystal, inexpensive and easy to obtain, can do wonders to improve your mental, physical and emotional well being.

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