Natural Powers?

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Natural Powers?
Post # 1
Before I started to learn about magick and wicca and such, before I even knew it was real and just not in books and movies, I would have dreams. Dreams about the future but I didn't know till they started to happen. They felt like daja vu. And also even now, almost every time I am mad, or sad, or upset, the wind starts to blow, fast if I'm angry and soft when I was sad. My question is could I have natural powers that I never knew about till now or is it just my imagination?
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Re: Natural Powers?
Post # 2
Everyone has natural inherent powers, recognizing them is what keeps most people for exercising them.
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Re: Natural Powers?
Post # 3
All humans have natural powers and sometimes their emotions affect the weather but most dismiss it as coincidence. But once you become a witch you learn how to cause the weather to change.
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Re: Natural Powers?
Post # 4
Everyone is born unique to this world, with their very own combination of natural abilities, as for me, Aerokinetics are my strongest in ability, compared to other kinetical birth-rights.
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