There's a better way to reflect all beliefs than to change the pledge from monotheistic to polytheistic. What about those who are atheist? That was the argument to begin with.
Personally it should be about honoring the country, which was the intent in the first place. At the time the pledge was made, it was safe to say most people were Christian, so many could relate to honoring their country under oath from their God. Back then, the oath actually meant something more than tedious words recited by sportsman and grade schoolers.
These things really annoy me. If for nothing else the pledge has historical value and shouldn't be changed for any reason. I'm not just saying this because I'm a Christian though I'd be lying if I said it didn't effect my views on this. People keep wanting to change the pledge like it's a misstyped newspaper. "I'm sorry but it has already been printed and we won't be printing a retraction." I'm sorry for sounding so blunt but just because the number of pagans and atheists is growing doesn't mean that the pledge ought to be changed.
Hey why don't ya go and advertise in facebook? Those people need it. Just because we study and practice witchcraft doesn't mean we're all pagans. I'm a wicca-christan' got a problem with that say it to my face
Re: Sign the petition By: Personified / Knowledgeable
Post # 5 Feb 03, 2012
I agree with Eis. The main religion I focus on is polytheistic. However, I have no wish to change that pledge to represent my own beliefs- as it wouldn't be fair to aforementioned parties. I think it was meant more a proclamation of patriotism than religion.
Except for the fact as a piece of history it was changed in 1953, at least on paper, to add the words "Under god."
I'm not saying there is a problem with any religion. I am saying that as a society we need to reflect that we are of many faiths and this is both nondiscriminatory and for everyone even though atheists don't believe in god/s alot of people do so who are we to decide we are a purely christian society?
I believe this is right the US has became a Christian is your only option and that's the only thing you can be here i mean look at everything "In God we trust" "One nation under God" and far to many Christian churches its just wrong this while may be a little of bent anger from my whole family being insane about being Christian and shoving it down everyone throat i believe this just makes sense
Tanner, the USA is mostly Christian and it's not the government trying to force it down our throats. There is a seperation of the Church and the State for a reason.