making your spells?

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making your spells?
Post # 1
i dont get it. how do you make your own spells? when i try they never work.
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Re: making your spells?
Post # 2
what have you done before?

Blessed be LadyO
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Re: making your spells?
Post # 3
i dont remember what it was.
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Re: making your spells?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I'd advise keeping a more detailed record of your magical journey... meditations, abilities that develop, and especially what spells you perform and what result you got from it if you got any.

If you can re-read and see a type of spell that does get the result you want (did most of the spells that work for you involve chanting, or candles, or sigils, or just writing something out?) then you can use those techniques to make your own spell. Hope this helped.

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Re: making your spells?
Post # 5
I would not recommend you to jump right into using and/or making your own spells. It takes time to learn how to use magickal energies, and serious witches know that the everlasting learning process cannot be rushed at any time. To effectively make your own spell, you must consider several influences on the magickal energies you will be manipulating.

What type of magic are you performing? Will you be using tools to channel energies? Consider the colors you use as well, and if you invoke the name of a deity, make sure you actually know who you're calling upon. What materials are needed? Consider herbs and stones carefully, some may counteract each other or impact other energies in an undesirable way. You may need to alter the way you cast your circle, changing it to pay homage to whatever deities you may need to call upon during your spell before you get down to working with the magick. Pay attention to what direction your facing (remember, cardinal directions correspond with elements and that can affect the outcome of your spell). And all of that is just in the actual performance of the spell, I haven't even touched upon the importance of the words. Remember to be specific, flowing, and rhythmic with your choice of words.

There is an infinite number of things that may be working against you, but my guess is that you just aren't ready for spellwork. I hope I'm not coming off as condescending, but it really does take ages of hard work and commitment with studying and meditation to be in touch with the energies in and around you. Spewing a few rhyming words of mumbo jumbo isn't going to cut it. Even when you think you've thought of everything, trust me, there is a billion other things to be taken into consideration.

Keep studying, meditating, and practicing!
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Re: making your spells?
Post # 6
thanks helped.
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Re: making your spells?
Post # 7
What type of magic are you performing? Will you be using tools to channel energies? Consider the colors you use as well, and if you invoke the name of a deity, make sure you actually know who you're calling upon. What materials are needed? Consider herbs and stones carefully, some may counteract each other or impact other energies in an undesirable way. You may need to alter the way you cast your circle, changing it to pay homage to whatever deities you may need to call upon during your spell before you get down to working with the magick. Pay attention to what direction your facing (remember, cardinal directions correspond with elements and that can affect the outcome of your spell). And all of that is just in the actual performance of the spell, I haven't even touched upon the importance of the words. Remember to be specific, flowing, and rhythmic with your choice of words.

Without altering these brilliant words from MoPaz I would add that getting all this together is not only fun but also it concentrates the mind on the desired result, which is certainly very important.

I will be covering this in more depth in lesson 3.

Can I end by saying good luck? Nah! It ain't luck. It's us.

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Re: making your spells?
Post # 8
I was curious about that too. Nice work, MoPaz.
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