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The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes is an extremely important and very ancient text, documenting by means of an inscription on a green stone tablet the nature of the Universe, and how the Universe came into being. Although the tablet is emerald it is thought to actually be a green stone such as jade. The Emerald Tablet was originally thought to have been discovered by a person named Balinas, who subsequently wrote down the entire text as inscribed on the stone in the ancient Syriac language from which it has since been subsequently translated by several people in various different languages.
The Emerald Tablet is not only very important from the point of view of describing the process of creation and the nature of the Universe, a process that is fully supported by many other independent sources including increasingly quantum physics, but is also the basis of Alchemy which, contrary to popular belief, is not necessarily the transmutation of base metals into Gold as legend presumes, but rather refers to the ennoblement of the Soul and Spirit on the path of perfection.
Following is the 12th century Latin literal translation of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes:
True without falsehood, certain most certain
What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like that which is above. To make the miracle of the one thing.
And as all things were made from the contemplation of The One, so all things were born again from one adaptation.
Its Father is the Sun, its Mother is the Moon.
The Wind carried it in its womb, the Earth breastfed it.
It is the Father of all works of wonder in the World.
Its power is complete.
If cast to Earth, it will separate Earth from Fire, the subtle from the gross.
With great capacity it ascends from Earth to Heaven. Again it descends to Earth, and takes back the power of the above and below.
Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the World. All obscurity will flee from you.
This is the whole most strong strength of all strength, for it overcomes all subtle things, and penetrates all solid things.
Thus the World was created.
From this comes marvellous adaptations of which this is the procedure.
Therefore I am called Hermes Thrice Crowned, because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole World.
And complete is what I had to say about the work of the Sun.
These are most profound and important words, which, although written with highly symbolic meaning can be explained as follows:
True without falsehood, certain most certain:
The text of the Emerald Tablet starts by affirming that everything that follows is Universally true and accurate, and applies to everything that is without any exception.
What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like that which is above. To make the miracle of the one thing:
This statement affirms the entire Universe in all spheres of reality is not separate in any way whatsoever, but is rather a continuum from the very highest aspect of The One, The Source, the First Cause, down to the physical world of matter. This phrase also affirms the continuum of the Universe is equally effective and integral in all directions, above and below, below and above, all working in complete harmony as an inseparable aspect of the whole. This is in accordance with the Universal Law of Correspondence. The word miracle does not mean miracle in absolute terms, but rather working in complete harmony with the Universe, the results of which might well seem like miracles at times, but rather are in absolute terms the application and workings of immutable Universal laws.
And as all things were made from the contemplation of The One, so all things were born again from one adaptation.
This again is a most important statement affirming the entire Universe is a Mind world from which everything originated, and is held entirely within the infinite Mind of The One, of God. It also affirms the entire Universe was created by the contemplation, or meditation of The One, and is therefore a projection of, and contained entirely within the Mind of The One.
This statement also confirms therefore everything in the Universe is an integral aspect of everything else in the Universe and therefore of The One, all mirroring the power of, and following the power of The One by adaptation of the process of following The One.
Its Father is the Sun, its Mother is the Moon.
This is analogous to the creative process whereby the sperm of the father seeks the egg of the mother, the constant cycles of the Sun and the Moon representing the rhythm of the Universe and infinite creation.
The Wind carried it in its womb, the Earth breastfed it:
In this statement, wind is analogous to the Universal as opposed to the physical element of Air, which is the mediator of the Universal elements of Fire and Water. Wind or Air as a mediation of Fire and Water therefore represents the forces involved behind the process of creation, ultimately resulting in the final Universal element of Earth in the creation process; Earth representing solidification. Earth nourishes the creation thereby providing for independent form and existence as can be clearly witnessed by the presence of the physical world of matter.
It is the Father of all works of wonder in the World:
Father represents the Prime Creator, The One, The All, the First Cause, the Quintessence of the four elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, the Ether, often known as God from Whom the aforementioned processes originated.
It is particularly important to note this statement also confirms the creative process was carried out by The One as an act of full, ultimate, infinite Consciousness awareness within the Mind of The One, within which all the Universe exists as infinite living Mind and Consciousness.
Its power is complete. If cast to Earth, it will separate Earth from Fire, the subtle from the gross:
This affirms the power of Consciousness of The One is absolutely complete in every aspect. It goes on to say the forces involved, Fire, Air, Water and Earth which originally acted in a downwards manner thus creating the Universe in all of its spheres commencing from the highest aspect of The One, eventually reach the lowest levels, the physical world of matter whereupon there is a reversal of the forces involved back once again towards The One. This results in a separation of force from form, thus leaving in place the physical aspect of the Universe in the form of solidification, whereby the Fire of creation is separated from the solidification of the Earth, thereby separating the subtle, the inner worlds, the Astral and Mental planes from the gross, the physical Universe of matter so familiar to everyone.
It should also be noted that while the Emerald Tablet and sources generally talk in terms of higher and lower, The Source, The First Cause, God is at the very centre of all creation, the innermost Source of Energy, while the physical space-time bound reality, the material Universe is the outermost Energy level forming the epidermis of the Universe.
With great capacity it ascends from Earth to Heaven. Again it descends to Earth, and takes back the power of the above and below.
This tells us that conscious awareness of The One releases itself from the solid aspect of Earth, the physical Universe, and returns upwards once again through the continuum of vibration, Energy, back towards the highest aspect of The One, The Source, sometimes known as the Godhead from whence it originated.
As this process occurs, Consciousness brings with it the experience of capacity or wisdom. This is also analogous to the destiny of mankind in the microcosm whereby each new individual experiencing a first ever life in the physical Universe is a direct result of the original descent from the Logos, The Source, God of a spark of Spirit, an aspect of God, which will then unite with a human embryo resulting in a new, individual life, the beginning of an individual, immortal Spiritual being.
It is important to note that Spirit has always existed in the Eternal Now but does not become an individual or individuated with physical, Astral and Mental bodies until the time of the very first physical incarnation. The destiny of every single person therefore, as with the very process of creation itself, is to first descend to the Earth and then to rise again back to the highest aspect of The One, our Divine creator, during the process of ennoblement and perfection; the ultimate meaning of life.
This statement then goes on to tell us that the powers, the Consciousness of The One then descended a second time to Earth integrating all aspects above and below, thus finally resulting in a fully aware force infinitely uniting the above with the below as integral aspects of the continuum of the entire Universe, from the very highest to the physical world.
Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the World. All obscurity will flee from you:
This confirms that as a result of the processes thus involved, with force descending into form during the original act of creation, and form then acting upon itself with Consciousness once again ascending into a formless state.
Finally the force thus self-realized once again descends back into form in which to consciously express its Self, thereby receiving the glory of the distinctiveness of the World, and thus receiving the Light (distinctiveness) whereby the dark (obscurity) will be expelled; flee from you.
This is the whole most strong strength of all strength, for it overcomes all subtle things, and penetrates all solid things:
This confirms that through the act of creation as previously described, the Consciousness of The One is whole, complete and of infinite strength, and with the ability to work without restriction in all directions of the continuum of the Universe from above to the below and below to the above at any level of density and vibration, and in particular the power to surpass any upwards travelling entity. This statement also affirms that this infinite power is similarly unrestricted in the downward motion towards the physical Universe, whereby it can inhabit the lowest vibration and the highest density of matter. This also confirms the truth that The One, God exists in everything and everyone, and accordingly everything and everyone in the Universe is pure conscious awareness, often known as Spirit.
Thus the World was created:
This confirms by this process of force descending into form thus realising self-awareness, followed by another cycle of creation, followed by a further descent into form, this eventually results in the physical world, or more specifically the entire physical Universe of matter in the space-time reality. It should be noted that science only recognises the physical aspect of the creation of the Universe, often known as the big bang, but is as yet largely unaware of the Divine forces of infinite and ultimate Consciousness involved that started this entire creative process; the very highest and most incomprehensible aspect of all, The One, God.
From this comes marvellous adaptations of which this is the procedure:
The marvellous adaptations referred to here is the physical Universe of matter, the physical World known to everyone that is indeed a marvellous adaptation of The One. It should be noted that beyond the physical Universe everything consists of subtle Energy in the form of vibration, and physical matter simply does not exist. Therefore by comparison the physical Universe is indeed marvellous adaptations. David Bohm, eminent physicist, very aptly describes the physical Universe as frozen light.
Everything and everyone in the Universe, including the physical Universe, contains the Light of The One, the physical Universe thus created becoming the seed of the future ultimate self of The One, and thus the creative act.
Human beings and all other life within the physical Universe must work while in physical form within the physical world of matter as mirrored powers of the one thing, causing marvellous adaptations as opposed to the miracles of the one thing. Working within the physical world of matter humans therefore adapt the physical world, or Universe, and which adaptations are mirrored ultimately as an aspect of the one thing.
Physical Consciousness, or awareness, or Spirit of the human being is an example of force within the form of the human body, with which we develop the future self by the process of perfection and ennoblement as it ascends the Divine path back to the Prime Creator from whence Spirit first came.
Therefore I am called Hermes Thrice Crowned, because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole World:
This statement is not intended to be a self-proclamation of greatness on the part of Hermes but rather represents the trinity of the levels or aspects of the continuum of the Universe; physical, Astral and Mental. This specifically refers to the physical, Astral and Mental levels of Energy, of vibration within the continuum of the Universe and the corresponding bodies within each human being, specifically the physical body, the Astral Body also known as the Soul, and Mental Body also known as the immortal Spirit. The final part of the statement affirms that this is a Universal level of knowledge or experience.
And complete is what I had to say about the work of the Sun:
This final statement affirms the testimony of Hermes as to the creation and true nature of the Universe. Hermes Trismegistus, Hermes the Thrice Crowned, was indeed a true symbolic messenger of the Gods, of the advanced Spiritual beings of the inner spheres of reality, in bringing this most sacred knowledge from the inner spheres for the benefit of all mankind. The work of the Sun affirms that this is all an ongoing and active process within the glorious continuum of the Universe, the Sun representing the Divine creative process.
Tablet of Hermes