Black magic is not something you should play at all. Its very dangerous but if you're new and want to try dark arts. Feel free to ask questions on here or need help if needed. I know there are pretty wise people here that know a lot. :)
For those that are new and looking for beginner spells. To be honest, creating your own spells a lot easier. All you need to know is what type of spell you plan to do: love, hate, hurt, etc. What things you need to make the spell work like candles, crystals, and herbal. Put emotion into the spell poke for example: say I want to do a love spell and I need to feel being in love.
Also know what to name your spell and know what it does and how to do it.
so all you need to do is :
Name of the spell
What does it do?
What are the ingredients for the spell?
How do you do it?
The spells you create would better to put in a journal.
So that all I have to say. Again feel free to ask questions or give any advise.
Re: Darkarts and create spell By: RedChiron / Knowledgeable
Post # 2 Jul 23, 2012
"For those that are new and looking for beginner spells. To be honest, creating your own spells a lot easier. All you need to know is what type of spell you plan to do: love, hate, hurt, etc. What things you need to make the spell work like candles, crystals, and herbal. Put emotion into the spell poke for example: say I want to do a love spell and I need to feel being in love."
Just to be clear, most people who are "new and looking for beginner spells" have no idea what kinds of candles, crystals, or herbs would be appropriate, nor do they typically know how to construct a spell or conduct a ritual.
Re: Darkarts and create spell By: Artindark Moderator / Adept
Post # 3 Jul 23, 2012
I absolutely agree with what RedChiron said .Creating your own spell requires knowledge in many areas ,and i doubt all people that are newbies have it .The process also requires certain ammount of creativity .
Arte and Chiron are right about the proper knowledge of the craft and creativity.
Do not forget that it does not matter how creative you are, you must know you basics and energy direction and channeling to cast your spell properly. Only writing some words and not knowing your basics and energy manipulation and direction is pretty useless and not meaningful for the craft since that's not how spells really work.