Depends, what You consider to be black magick. I respect the term as a technical one, and we could inlcude under it many things, from love manipulation spells , over hexes and curses of all kind to death curses.
Evel eye, crossings, even energy vampirism all could be decribed as such.
Anyhow look here:
"there is no white or black magick there is just magick and you can use that for god or bad so there really isnt two differnt types of magick"
True, but these different uses have their own associated skills, deities, and powers and more than once I've had to turn down students of black magick because they were asking me things that, as a white magician, I knew nothing about.
So even if magick itself is "all one color" as we on this forum like to parrot, the division of black and white magick as a set of skills and studies is very real. Even if knives are all neutral, chopping a carrot and stabbing a wild boar to death are two very different activities and being good at one doesn't mean much of anything about how you would be with the other. Two seemingly unrelated practices using the same thing.
We do still very much have some confusion about which definition of white or black magick a person is using, but could we please stop pretending those definitions don't even exist?
I personally suggest giving a quick look to the Magick Without Tears letter/chapter which addressed black magick before deciding to pursue black magick.
waterwich, "voodoo" also known as Vodun is a religion/faith, not a magickd. Hoodoo is what vodun priestesses and priests call their folk magick. Most of the "hoodoo" in the New Orleans area and that which is well known has some roots in Native American practice, so do many of the stories. One reason for this is that Native Americans at one time were teachers in African American schools. Both cultures being looked down upon by the settlers, I would guess, caused the two groups to consider each other better company and shared their knowledge with each other.
I would appreciate that you not slander a religious belief and label it in a negative light. People of any religion or cultural background can be kind or cruel. It isn't the religion or the culture itself that is. People who make such claims are ignorant outsiders that make foolish assumptions.
@titanic I suggest you learn the basics and more about magick in general before picking a "side" or diving into spells and rituals unprepared. Read everything you can and then some. Look up reviews on books and authors before reading them. This can save you a lot of time and trouble. You want valuable information to absorb. Remember anyone can write a book or make a website.