Witch's aid amulet

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Witch's aid amulet
Post # 1

Can its center be used for scrying?

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Re: Witch's aid amulet
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
The dark shiney center should be fine for scrying, though it would be too small a surface for my taste. I would say the best way to find out if it works for you would be try it out.
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Re: Witch's aid amulet
Post # 3

Ah, I never noticed its size would be very small, but sure I'll give it a try when I can get one. Thank you.

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Re: Witch's aid amulet
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

It is probably too small, and the center will be a random color (like most things in the "amulet" section, the colored "gems" are really coloured glass unless the description tells you it is a particular stone) Items in the "Jewelery" section are more likely to be stones and gems.

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