Coloring Magicks.

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Coloring Magicks.
Post # 1

Many people come to this site with stereotypes about magick in their head. They often categorize Necromancy as "Black" Magick, and Angel workings as "White Magicks". There are simple misconceptions with colored magicks.

Coloring magick is an opinion , but it can also be a true statement depending on your religion, views, etc.

Black magick is considered bad. White is usually good. Gray is neutral. Magick is intent based . If you use magick for a bad intention, it could be called black magick. If you use magick for a good intention, it could be called white magick. Necromany for example, is generally viewed as bad, because it works with the spirits, and their energies. But it is all the intent behind these magicks. So intention is basically the thing that colors magick, NOT the practice .

Now, these are just my views on colored magicks. You may have different views.

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Re: Coloring Magicks.
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Yeah I wrote something like this some time ago. But again people believe what they would like. It is their choice.
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Re: Coloring Magicks.
Post # 3
It's about opinion like you said.
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Re: Coloring Magicks.
Post # 4
Agree, agree, agree ....
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