The horned God

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The horned God
Post # 1
Can anybody give me information on the horned god, not only him but the Moon Goddess too please ?
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Re: The horned God
Post # 2
I just want some little information about them or you can just lead me where i can learn about them
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Re: The horned God
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
The horn is symbolic, as a phallic representation. He is the male aspect of creation, the one who, together with the Goddess conceived the universe. Then the Goddess (female aspect of creation) gave birth to the universe.

The challice (female) filled with wine or water and dagger/knife (male) slowly brought down into the challice is a representation of Lord and Lady in union. Use your imagination on that symbolism ;-)

There is no specific name, most use the name of the deity they feel represents their idea of the ultimate divine male and female, others like to keep the illusive names such as "God and Goddess", "Lord and Lady", "Sky Father and Earth Mother", etc instead of using a name. Many feel the name is unknown and therefore shouldn't be created.

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Re: The horned God
Post # 4
okay thanks
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Re: The horned God
Post # 5

I really find that interesting raven. Because i do believe in God, but not any specific god or goddess etc. Its like maybe the lord and lady is kinda maybe what i believe in. But more specifically i usually pray to a male god. I havent really prayed to any goddesses that i know of or work with. But it seems that i meet and talk to all kinds of deities. so theres not really specific deity or god that i worship. Is that weird or not?? Because its really hard for me to find out who my god and goddess or if even have one for that matter, because its like i dont really feel connected to a certain one or all of them.

I Just feel connected to a god but not sure what or who it is. Its really strange too me. but i find it ineresting too though. I am not anthiest, christian, pagan, wiccan or what ever dont really concider my self that.

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Re: The horned God
Post # 6
It depends on your beliefs, i for one believe the universe created to god and goddess's and not the other way around.
if you're reffering to pan he is usually viewed as a kind and cheerfull half animal half human. A lot of information can be found by researching that name.
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Re: The horned God
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
That's not odd at all Lucid. You may wish to look into Taoism. Google "what is Tao". It's perfectly fine to believe in a source of life, show honor and respect, but accept that we are ignorant to who/what it truly is. =)

With most pagan beliefs, it is still one source, but has a male and female aspect. The Catholic godhead of father, son, and spirit was originally a pagan idea...splitting a single entity into various personalities/forms to fully explain its multifaceted existence. We cannot fully fathom our creator but we sure do try! Since it is such a complex being we can only compare it to what we know and understand within our world. This is merely a way for us to try to feel closer to it, by being able to relate. Taoism just says, hey, we don't know and that's ok! Let's chant and be at peace! ...well, maybe not exactly. The philosophy is more like that than the later created religion.
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Re: The horned God
Post # 8

The moon Goddess is our creator, the maiden mother,our lady, the holy spirit, she created the lord as her companion. She created him to have horn's like animal so he'd be close to them as animals are alive also, there important. Anyway The Goddess is known by many names & so is our lord God. what name you call her is up to you. i suggest you study up on the Wiccan/Pagan God's/ Goddess. I will keep my Goddess name & God name secret you must worship the one's that feel right for yourself. Blessed be!

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