I'm ;D

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I'm ;D
Post # 1
Hi All. I'm not from America . I'm from Lithuania. So sorry for the mistakes in the sentences ;)... So... I praktice magic about 4 yrs, as elemental magic... I'm only 13 yrs ,but what's wrong about that? I'm realy not bad on this...
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Re: I
Post # 2
nice to meet you
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Re: I
Post # 3
I believe the younger you start practicing the stronger you become and the more knowledge you gain of course that is not always the case but good luck to you
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Re: I
Post # 4
Thx ;)
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Re: I
Post # 5
merry meet :)
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Re: I
Post # 6
Greetings Sakorr and welcome to the site

Blessed be LadyO
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