Dragon Knowledge?

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Dragon Knowledge?
Post # 1
I know I have a dragon companion and I need to know a bit about dragons. Specifically a black dragon.
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Re: Dragon Knowledge?
Post # 2
Heres an interesting site i found about dragons.


Blessed be LadyO
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Re: Dragon Knowledge?
Post # 3
Thank you. You wouldn't happen to know any minor healing spells would you? For like a small cut, or a sunburn.
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Re: Dragon Knowledge?
Post # 4
Prob not the best person to ask about healing spells as such as i dont really pracice it. If you can get hold of herbs i can give you a few herbal remedies. I use aura manipulation to heal.

Blessed be LadyO
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Re: Dragon Knowledge?
Post # 5
Thank you, but I created a spell.
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