Are Creatures real?

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Are Creatures real?
Post # 1
Well Are They lol?
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Re: Are Creatures real?
Post # 2
humans are creatures
a creature is a synonym to animal or physical being
if thou meant magickal creatures
then i would say - yes and no!
some are real some aren't! (but of coirse my beliefs my turn out to be wrong)
demons - yes
dragons - yes
ghosts - no
angels - no
an angel is translated as an - messenger
angel of god - messenger of god
the Abrahamic god isn't real = angels of god aren't real
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Re: Are Creatures real?
Post # 3
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Re: Are Creatures real?
Post # 4
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Re: Are Creatures real?
Post # 5
vampires are real as well as werewolves
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Re: Are Creatures real?
Post # 6
ghosts are real to
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Re: Are Creatures real?
Post # 7
Dragons are real. I have a dragon companion, as do many others.
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Re: Are Creatures real?
Post # 8
Angels are real. I don't see how enochian would have come about if they weren't. Ghosts are also real. Spirits are all around us. How would you explain seeing a loved one who has passed many years before? Surely it's not a demon that brings the good feeling of love that family shares. I believe every mythical creature is alive on the astral plane and Lower World. In animal magick some people use mythical creatures as a familiar.
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