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Post # 1
Is there a proper way to meditate? If so how might I do this?
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Re: Meditation
Post # 2
Hehe I made the same post, gimme a sec
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Re: Meditation
Post # 3
This was Aeon_Wing's reply to my post, all credit goes to aeon

" There are many ways...

Void meditation: Find a comfortable position and wait for your mind to clear (as in, have no thoughts at all) without falling asleep... and without thinking about not thinking or forcing the no-thought state, because that's still thinking.

Moving meditation: Be 100% in the moment of your action. This, they teach in Tai Chi and Yoga, but you can also do moving meditation just doing whatever you do everyday, as long as you're engrossed in the moment and movement. Become 100% self-aware, and world-aware.

Focus meditation: Take some time to practice not thinking about anything you don't want to think about. Choose something, an idea, to focus on... an apple, a candle flame, a syllable... and think of nothing else for as long as you can. (This method can be used to channel vortexes of power in your own body, like the Third Eye.)

Guided meditation: Kind of like focus meditation, except it "moves". You're asked to visualize yourself in a setting, and sometimes you walk through the setting to do things-- basically imagination or daydreaming, but if you get relaxed enough it becomes more like a lucid dream you can find things out from.

I would begin with void meditation first. Certain rhythmic breathing can help, like counting the seconds that you inhale/exhale... some prefer the fourfold breath (inhale...2...3...4... exhale...2...3...4... hold breath...2...3...4... and repeat) but it gets my heart rate weird so I just breath normally-- experience it, but don't think about it. "
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Re: Meditation
Post # 4
Perfect. Thank you.
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