what ever happend to the

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what ever happend to the
Post # 1
What happened to the chosen one thread? I liked that thread it shared info on the chososen one it just seemed to like dissiapear =( and I rlly want to veiw it I espiclly enjoyed reading old posts o_o anyone have any links to that thread or maybe even links to other places that talks about the chosen ones?

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Re: what ever happend to the
Post # 2
i think it got deleted
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Re: what ever happend to
Post # 3
That's lame that thread had a lot to offer to memebers on the site -_- it was a vEARY usefull thread -_- anyone got links 2 places? That tlk about the chosen ones?
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Re: what ever happend to the
Post # 4
I think the thread is in some pages.Check it from page 3 to 9.
It shouldn`t be that far.
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Re: what ever happend to
Post # 5
Oh thx that explains a lot =)
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Re: what ever happend to the
Post # 6
for your information if yall are talking about the chosen one thread i made i deleted it a few weeks ago. there was no reason for it to stay up
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