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Post # 1
i got into gost hunting a while back and i need to no if nyone has spells that can protect u from bad spirits and stuff cause i dnt want to get hanted by gosts nd stuff for my hole life
ny body help plz
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Re: gosts
Post # 2
o yeah and i also have a feeling my house is haunted cause i keep getting that feeling im being watched wen nobody is home and i always see things from the corner of my eye and once i saw somthing in my room full up but wen i blinked a couple of times it was gone...
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Re: gosts
Post # 3
Don't worry, no one will watch you.
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Re: gosts
Post # 4
You need to do a home blessing spell, then use personal protection spells. If the home blessing doesn't work right away then you should do a banishing spell followed by the blessing of your home.
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