I'm just kinda asking around if anyone on here knows about good books about magic? I'm really not interested in the fluff books with pictures, I'm interested in substance ( not saying the picture books don't have substance, I just don't really like them). I'm looking for books about magic, spells, dark magic, etc. Thanks!
I think a definite must read for everyone is: "Practical Sigil magic, by frater U:D:"
Donald Tyson has good books on ceremonial magic as well as runes. Though a better name on runes would be stephen flowers(Edred Thorsson). Israel Regardie has very good books on ceremonial magic. Aliester Crowley's essays can be read online for free, many of them insightful. Phil hine, Ray sherwin, and Pete caroll are all good names as well. Ted Andrews "animal speak" is a classic of shamanism. I haven't had a chance to read him, but Lon Milo DuQuette is another good one.
For less critical reading, I recommend author Mercedes Lackey. The Wizard of London is a recommend read as well as the Mage Storm Trilogy. On a more studious level the 21 Lessons of Merlin by, another author( o.O) is great because its a story about merlins trials. Each chapter has a follow up with pictures and extra explanations. Personally I think there is more information in the story itself. Happy reading, :-)
i would recommened A Centuary of Spells and Magic Spells of all Kinds both by Draja Mickaharic. Also anything by Deborah Gray, Anna Riva, which you'll find on the net just google the names and also find them in amazon and ebay.
Two of my favorite books on magick are "The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook" by Denise Alvarado and "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure" by Catherine Yronwode but really it depends what type of stuff you work with or practice.
I highly urge looking into the different categorizations of magick and the different types of magick. There is "The Satanic Bible," which has the three Satanic rituals of lust, destruction and compassion. Then if you learn how to put the ritual together, you will find the fundamentals to magick, in the metallic sense. By the way, if you do the ritual of destruction right, it's scary powerful.
If you want philosophy, try reading, "Three Books of Occult Philosophy." I found it full of great stuff. Priceless.
If you want something that will possibly add to more in-depth concepts, try reading, "Communing with The Spirits: The Magical Practice of Necromancy," by Martin Coleman. I think you'll be able to pick up a few concepts from that book.
The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook is fine, but I would just say that it's how you piece it together, but still a great book.
Then for a reference book, there is, "The Complete Magicians Tables," by Stephen Skinner.
Then if you want a good spooky book to read, well, more like a book that is very dark. Try reading, "Satan Speaks: The Grimoire of the Koton". Just read it.
What it really comes down to is knowing what to look for, then you find more. I've read some books just to get a different perspective from an author. Meaning, you may want to get books to pick up even the smallest of pieces to a greater whole of that knowledge you're seeking.
I highly suggest reading The Satanic Bible, because if you can get the raw three rituals down, you got it. Then you can start thinking like a magician.
Well, since your asking about magick I will tell you this. It takes three things; a centered meditative state, visualization and the applied will, your desire.