yes, one can do a love spell for another, though it does get more challenging when you don't know the person, or can't direct the energy properly. while i don't cast for others, those i talk to who do normally ask for a picture of you and the other person along with where you live roughly [say, new york city] your age, full names and zodiac signs. some add or remove some points but those two are the most common ones.
i feel you should cast for yourself though, your desire's stronger, there are plenty of spells on the site to help, especially love spells. since the moon is waxing right now, it's the perfect time, hedge your bets by calculating it down to the right day and time if you want to go that far.
Nekoshema is a fairly knowledgable person with a few years of experience under his or her belt .
The ranking system on this site is not accurate and people are ranked by the opinions of those who are ranked knowledgable and adepts . Knowledgable and adepts are also able to rank each other .
There are 4 ranks on the site . That being beginner , novice , knowledgable and adepts . Beggineers are usually what they say , beginners or those that are novices and were ranked down .
From what I have seen , novices are usually those that have a few years of experience and have a clear knowledge of what they are doing . However , I also find that novices are one's that contribute less to the forums and so not a accurate assessment can be made .
Novices members are usually the ones that get promoted to knowledgable when they contribute onto the forums . There is no intermediate rank between novice and knowledgable however so those that are in the middle area are tend to be placed here as well
People are ranked when knowledgable or adept members form a opinion of you from what you post on the site
However due to disagreements or arguments with a ranking member , this can also cause rank to be decreased . I have seen several members that was ranked knowledgable to be ranked down towards novice and after a while reclaim their previous position , and for some , the cycle continues often
So , it can be said that the ranking system is not very accurate in general .
Just thought I give you a basic overview of the ranking system..=)
Yes you can do Love Spells But Beware if you do. Forcing one to go against their free will is not a good thing. It will end badly and most likely back fire.
@ DarkSphere 'his or her'?! lol, i'm female, just for future reference [kind of why i spelled 'shi' and 'she' when i made up my name as a kid, also because i didn't want 'death' in my name] i use to be ranked novice, but for whatever reason i was ranked down. no big deal, the title doesn't really change who i am. you are correct with the ranking system. there's one more though, fluffy, though very few people are ranked that, you'll commonly come across beginner or novice. just help people out and your reputation will speak for itself ^_^