could someone help me?

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could someone help me?
Post # 1
im new here and im really confused. i believe in magick and i am willing to try anything so i can help others with magick but im not sure how to start. im pretty sure i have some magickal ability but how can i be sure? i try to do stuff like energy balls but i got no progress. how should i do this?

please if anyone can help me start my magick path please contact me with suggestions thanks
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Re: could someone help me?
Post # 2
i started with simple spells like protection spells and candle magick is good too i think.
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Re: could someone help me?
Post # 3
but how would i know if it works i mean ive never gotten attacked
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Re: could someone help me?
Post # 4
Psionics! Psi will feel them, they are a great way to begin to get a feel for Magick. Try
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