To Create a spell

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To Create a spell
Post # 1
Any experienced wicca or witch know how to properly create a spell? What words should you use, how should it be worded, stuff like that. Thanks, if you answere, it would be a big help
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Re: To Create a spell
Post # 2
before making your own spells you must preactise magic alot!
so you will learn the basics about symbols, colors etc.
you need to know the elements and what they do and how do you bring them to your spell.
you must get to know the right times about when you cast different spells, and you must know how energy goes.
and when the time goes you know many spells, then if you want to make your own look how other spells are done, why is there some things and why not something else.
preactise, learn, learn and then think of doing your own spells.
you can search the internet for different info and see which is the right. and in different magick styles thay use even different symbols.... :P
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Re: To Create a spell
Post # 3
so better just find a perfect spell what you need ;)

about the chants, they should be easy to say and sound good
"when the words fit together,
they sound much better.
you dont need to think of what you say,
just let the words come and they'll stay."
so its like poetry. :P
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Re: To Create a spell
Post # 4
OOh ok, i understand, thanks a lot!
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Re: To Create a spell
Post # 5
Spells are manifested from you within you, you are what makes the spell work or not. If you have the intent it will work, not every spell needs "special candles or scents" to "make" the spell work. Most of the time this is only for asthetics not for the spell. Some will say it is to call down a specific goddess or god and yes it will help. I am saying that you yourself are able to manifest a spell without a lot of props if your focused on your goal of what you wish to achieve and can visualise it working and the end results.
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Re: To Create a spell
Post # 6
Tools are just props. The most important tool in magick is YOU. You are the magick. The most powerful spell I ever worked was one in which I used no tools at all except for my own will.
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Re: To Create a spell
Post # 7
i alredy psoted a thread on how to make a spell but i'l say ti agian ^_^

say your intention(waht you wnat)
when it's to happen
and your motivation why your casting it for a closing. while chanting build energy and REALSE it to your target. it works realyl well
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