astral projection

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astral projection
Post # 1
what happens if a demon gets your body while your astral projecting
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Re: astral projection
Post # 2
oh yeah and what if you try to AP but while you are your body starts to tingle and you see little glimpses of where you are
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Re: astral projection
Post # 3
A demon cannot get your body when you are astral projecting...^_^ (unless you already have another spirit within you) you will immediately come back to your body, if you see glimpse of your body...nothing happens, if you are new at it you will might get scared and will be back to your body..
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Re: astral projection
Post # 4
oh what do demons look like anyway
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Re: astral projection
Post # 5
I don't know about that part but if you astroproject and someone gets a hold of you they can force your soul out of your body causing death. never get close to a person sleeping. people sometimes atroproject during sleep with out knowing it.
they you astroproject on purpose they wake up then they think its a ghost or an exsperienced witch may try and get you. its better to use remote viewing. people successfully project and never have problems. i got a black eye when someone grabbed me or did something. since then i only remote view.

if you think its a joke or im kidding it's not. many of my shaman friends in belieze will only shape shift and go to the person. a bird is hard to get a hold of and thats still risky.

i only now astroproject to go to nature places like islands etc. etc. you may already know this if not do some research. your leaving your body. its risky to spy on exsperienced witches they may knock you the F222 out. better yet get a hold of you.

this is not a joke. you see the tittles of books how to safely astroproject etc. etc. some people never have a problem. i just thought it would be cute to look up on someone in the process got knocked the f/// out almost.
i am not joking.
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Re: astral projection
Post # 6
ok your scaring me
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Re: astral projection
Post # 7
Please can someone tell me how you astral project? so i can start practising, i am aware it is very difficult and takes a lot of practise but you have to start somewhere right?!
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Re: astral projection
Post # 8
Hi jesskat. I have put lots of info on the types of projection and some methods of doing it on the black twilight(ritual section) spell book. This information is availible to anyone on site. If you have any questions about it feel free to pm me.

Blessed be LadyO
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