easy spell?

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easy spell?
Post # 1
Is there any easy spells a new begginer could try out for the first time?
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Re: easy spell?
Post # 2
I have a good rainstopping spell
'Gods of power,Gods of might,
I bid you now,stop this plight,
Stop the rain we need no more,
Let it fall nevermore'
Repeat three times whenever usee a dark cloud or if it is raining.
At first u might have to repeat more than once but keep doing it in blocks of three.
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Re: easy spell?
Post # 3
stopping the rain is fun, but this is a good one for making it rain::

"Goddess bring the rain down, giving life to the ground.
Energy to feed the seed Mother Nature gifts to me.
God bring the rain down, giving life to the ground.
Energy to feed the seed, and a healthy harvest bring.
So mote it be."

((said outside))
CAUTION:: Don't chant too much, very powerful!!!

Merry workings!

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Re: easy spell?
Post # 4
oh great i have to try that spell! imma chant it a million times and make a storm that destroy my school :D
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Re: easy spell?
Post # 5
cool. no school
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Re: easy spell?
Post # 6
why does everyone say start with weather spells??? to do a weather spell, you must control the immediate atmospheric pressures, in essense, controlling the weather system in that area....changing if it will rain the next day...if you change when it rains, it might rain differently than it would have....because you have messed with the system at large....doing something like that would require much more power than you all think.

why not a "find money" spell?

or a good luck spell?

or any other type of simple spell....but why weather spells?

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Re: easy spell?
Post # 7
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Re: easy spell?
Post # 8
nooo thats not true because when it was raining i made it stop and nothing happened and when i used that spell to make it rain agian it rained nothing bad happened at all after that O.o
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Re: easy spell?
Post # 9
Luzifer, I agree, but, before I was dedicated into the Craft, I had practiced with the elements and their powers for three or four years. Controlling the weather is just controlling all of the elements at once. Once you have a basic mastery of the elements, you can easily control weather whether with or without a spell. Spells just make it a little easier.
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Re: easy spell?
Post # 10
my first spell was a rain storm spell. it worked, but it only came a few dark clouds at the sky xD
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