family alphabet

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family alphabet
Post # 1
I think every witch should have a section in their BOS dedicated to creating a family alphabet. (im not telling anyone this is just my opinion fell free to not add it) a family alphabet is an alphabet created with symbols as symbol as (-) or as hard as hieroglyphics. this alphabet should not be given to anyone out side of you family/ family coven.
a family alphabet is used to send messages and spells to one and another with out the worry that some one could see it. (I am a strong believer in privet collections of spells and rituals).
in the BOS the spells and rituals you don't want you family giving out, or the spell/ritual is a personal family one that only family members can see you just write them in the alphabet.
i hope to pass my alphabet on to later generations
if you have any questions fell free to message me or leave a comment.
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Re: family alphabet
Post # 2
just a warning if you do make a family alphabet or modify it to be a coven alphabet *don't* post forums or go on chat talking in it cause that against the rules and there could be repercussions just don't want to get anyone in trouble
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