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new to forum
Post # 1
hello everyone, I hope all is well. I am foreverluv66. I hope to broaden my knowledge to all this site has to offer. I grew up with my mother reading cards and casting spells using candles. Most of the candles she used were in the tall jars. I burned a candle as was instructed, but the candle burned from the inside down. A pillar candle. Why did it not burn like it was supposed to.
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Re: new to forum
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Pillar candles often burn down like that. The problem is that the wax toward the edges doesn't get hot enough to melt and burn, so only the center around the wick burns down and makes a sort of hollow into the candle. You might want to try using tapers instead as they will burn more completely. And for spells I like the smaller chime candles as you can burn them completely in a fairly short time.
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Re: new to forum
Post # 3
Thank u. That is helpful. Although I see resistance from my spell. How can I strengthen my energy to fulfill my spell
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