I need help

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I need help
Post # 1
Okay I dont know where to start. I have known my friend for 10 years now but only resently, say two years back there have been this..presence in her room, parts of her room has this cold arua around it and even her cat seems to know something is not right. Her and her mother has been hearing a voice and my friend has even been getting strange bruising and calls from something she can not explain. Blood also has been showing up in her room with no explaination. I want to protect my friend and also aid her in banishing the presence in her room but mostly I wish to protect her the best I can. So I am hoping to get some advice on the best way to shield her from such a presence.
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Re: I need help
Post # 2
What you need to do is empower an objects that the mother and your friend will have with them at all times. Or you could enchant an object in the home that will ward off the dark energy. As a last option you can banish the being with a cleansing ritual.

(message me if you want an original working ritual)

I do all of my rituals to fit specific needs. and they wont disappoint you.
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Re: I need help
Post # 3
thanks for your advice, as i want to protect my friend as the presence seems to target her, as for removing the presence in her room that I can deal with
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