Negative Zone

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Negative Zone
Post # 1
weird question, but is there a way to make a negative zone like luigi on super smash bros?
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 2
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 3
Umm what is a negative zone?
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 4
Look it up in smash bros. brwal. It is kind of wierd and I can't explain.
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 5
is this about video games?
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 6
Yea I think so
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 7
From Wikipedia:

The Negative Zone in the Marvel Comics Universe is used as a fictional dimension. Essentially, it is a universe parallel to Earth's. The two have many similarities, but a few noteworthy differences include: all matter in the Negative Zone is negatively charged; the Negative Zone is entirely filled with a pressurized, breathable atmosphere; and near the center of the Negative Zone is a deadly vortex of unspeakable power. Since the Negative Zone is largely uninhabited, several would-be conquerors have attempted to bridge the gap to Earth and take over its population. A few notable residents of the Negative Zone include Blastaar, Annihilus and Stygorr.

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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 8
just a little heads up creating such a place could alter reality as we know and also spawn a demon.
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 9
Why does everything here have to end with a demon spawning? Seriously, what's with you people and demons?
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 10
iidk. TO me demons are powerful and thats why people who practice ceremonial Magick Like me, work with them.
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