Does anyone have a very very very powerful, strong love spell that will work as soon as possible.
There isn't another way around this. I don't care about free will and all that crap, I've just had enough. Love magick isn't changing free will any more than wearing nice clothes, perfume, makeup etc. And I don't believe in the threefold law or anything like that, but tbh I really don't care what happens to me for doing it, it couldn't be worse than how I feel right now.
I know a lot of people say you shouldn't do them, for whatever reasons and I've heard all of them from many people but I've made up my mind, I need to do this.
Just please do not try to dissuade me, if it's not the right thing to do then I'll find that out for myself.
My question is only 'Does anyone have a strong powerful love spell that they will give me', not 'What's your opinion of it'
I sound really horrible but I'm not, I'm just so fed up with never getting a straight answer anywhere and instead just getting people foistering their opinions on me which I haven't asked for and don't want, and suggestions of 'other things I can do' that are just nothing to do with my question.
If you don't have a love spell for me then please just don't comment, we have nothing to offer each other and all we can do is annoy each other.
I know what I want. And I don't care what the other person wants as I've spent far too much time putting them first and getting treated like dirt so now I'm gunna put myself first for once.
Again, I'm sorry for sounding so blunt, I'm just completely done with this crap, I just need a very very very powerful spell that would make everything ok, even if I have to be very very careful for the rest of my life that nothing ever goes wrong. Thankyou in advance for any relevant, tactful, useful responses. And for people who think what I'm doing is wrong, well you've obviously never been in this situation.
I'm sure you are going through a lot and I really do understand. I just don't think you want to take this route. I personally don't believe in the three-fold law either, but I do believe in negative energy. You can attract a lot of negative energy by casting spells like these. It sounds to me that you just want to make this person notice you. I know you don't want to hear my opinion but I think you should know that these spells CAN attract negative attention. Magicks aren't always the best way and often isn't. Try a glamour or a "notice me" spell. I don't have a love spell and I don't need one. I'm sure you're a great girl and anyone would be lucky to have you. If they can't see it, they aren't worth wasting the energy on. I'm not sure what your situation is but it's not the end of the world. Cheer up and I wish you all the best.
Thankyou for your kind message, it's not how you think it is though, it's not a far away love interest who I'm just obsessed with, it's to do with a dear dear dear friend of mine. I don't want her to be attracted to me or to love me in that way, she's always been like my sister and I need that back. No one will ever understand what she means to me and how much I need this spell.
Have you tried a Honey Jar spell? They are good for sweetening a person to you. I'll link you a page that tells you all about them.
The only downside to Honey Jar spells, is that they do take time to manifest and start showing results, but most spells are like this. Very few will work straight away.
Another method is a form of Hoodoo love magick, that is suppose to be extremely powerful, but not for everyone. It's to feed your love interest menstrual blood. It is definitely a quicker method, as you should start noticing changes almost immediately, as long as they aren't somehow protected or cleansed. It is recommended to do it 3 times every month, to keep the feeling strong and lasting. I will link you to a forum where this is discussed.
Well I've been where you are before. What I did was I made a poppet out of his clothes, hair and blood. I also used a "think of me spell" as well. It did work. The guy came back into my life but it wasn't what I wanted. He was like a zombie. Just there. It was awful, he put me through so much hell it was sad. My best advice would be to do a true love spell because it just isn't worth it, my opinion from personal experiences.