To Whom shall I pray?

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To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 1
I'm not really sure, I am interested in witchcraft and paganism. But I've looked up many gods and goddesses. So far I've read that there really isn't any strict code of what our gods or goddesses can be. But it feels so weird to just choose...Are there any specific gods that I have to believe in or pray too?

Right now I've been praying to an ancient Roman Goddess, Diana.
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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 2

As witchcraft is not a religion, no you do not have to pray to any specific god or goddess. In Paganism, many paths do have gods and goddesses that you can pray to, but it is a choice and not a requirement for all pagans to follow any specific diety.

The choice is yours on what you believe and who you pray to.

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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 3
It just feels so weird, I grew up as a christian and was always told to pray to one god. I didn't even get to choose if I wanted to or not. I mean, it's nice that I have a say in it. I like that part. But it's so different. but thank you for you advice :)
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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 4

It is very different when you start out. I would suggest that you research different practices, find one that you like than do further research into the gods and goddesses of that tradition. Also listen, you will learn a lot just by being aware.

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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
The key word in your post/question is "believe". There isn't any gain in praying to a force, being, diety, etc... you don't believe in and you can't really force yourself to believe in something as belief or faith is just that a belief that something exists from...well deep inside not to sound too much like a Hallmark card (though some from various faiths have had what they consider to be supernatural religious experiences that strengthened those beliefs they already held). In your case you were brought up on one religion but it didn't fit you for whatever reasons yet it is the religion you likely know the most about so finding a new faith is understandably complicated. Witchcraft as Nichiren said isn't in itself a religion and doesn't require you pray to anyone in order to practice it. The best advice I can give is to just take some time and think deeply on this as your faith can be a strong motivator and life shaper.
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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 6
I was born into christianity too. And due to school science classes I have problems beleiving that religion anymore. Things just dont add up... I still beleive in some things in the "Holy Bible" but to a very small extint. So until they bring out the old scrolls I will be that way. Simply because, if I tell you something and by the time it goes around, lets say a classroom, and gets back to me it will have changed so much, it wont even be the same topic.
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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 7
There is no reason you can't still pray to the Christian God Jehovah if that is who you believe in. Just because the church that introduced you to the god, it does not mean they own him as they often act. You are free to pray to whatever entity you believe in despite what any group tells you. Hold true to yourself and your beliefs and you will be fine in your practice.
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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 8
Interestingly enough, I pray and believe in one that I felt came to me.

Her name is Lirialia, and to me, see symbolizes the Moon. Not as a Goddess, but just as a wandering spirit that spends her time on the moon. Kind of like your friend that would spend all their time at the library. While she has no real "powers" like a god or goddess would, she does have abilities like us. Empathy, and mood manipulation (she would have years to practice, so it's possible in theory, but nothing major). Lirialia acts as a... guide, more than anything else. She's my friend that I'd take advice from, essentially.

She is merely part of the whole of spirits that I pray to as a group. They're called Lizerian Spirits (again, not likely to be known, don't label me fluffy for it). The Lizerian Spirits, from what I've seen, are a group of 6 "light" and 6 "dark" spirits. I've written a little about them, and posted it to DeviantArt as a text file, but never really told anyone about them.

The spirits and representations for the Light Lizerian Spirits are as such:
Lirialia (Female): The Moon
Haickho (Male): The Sun
Azala (Female): The Water
Gno (Male): Terra (Nature/Earth)
Paquosho (Male): The Mind
Ario (Female): Destiny

The Dark Lizerian Spirits operate a little differently, and are as such:
Yoka (Male): Torment
Eqil (Female): Nightmare
Shima (Female): Destruction
Norzah (Male): Fire
Tolan (Male): Disaster
Ritu (Unknown): Death

I started seeing them back in 2010, right about the time when I started dipping into the Furry culture. So, at the time, I had them depicted as Furries (half-human/half-animal). Lirialia, in this case, was a white cat-like creature, dressed in a long teal dress that ended just above her ankles. She had long silver-white hair, and eyes as blue as the sky. Quite stunning for a dream.

The odd thing is that I didn't just dream about these spirits for the one night, I've seen them periodically over the course of the past three years. Eventually, I chose a Ri (or "Chosen Spirit), and Lirialia was that choice. I wanted to emulate her and listen to her guidance, so that I would move forward in life.

From there my gifts have grown. I thank the Spirits every night, but I don't believe them to be the only cause of my improvement. It took hard work, and definitely time.

Anywho, that's just my thoughts, and I'm definitely no expert. Take it for what it's worth to you.
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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 9
Im not trying to push my beleifes on anyone,but I dont think anyone should pray to some makebeleive god that some whackjob from over several hundred years ago who got ahold of some bad food or water made up in a poor mental state and was fooled by demons into cutting themselfs to a carved out rock. You woul just be worshiping demons or satin at that rate. Im just sayin what I think Its up to you what you want to beleive.
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Re: To Whom shall I pray?
Post # 10
Most people dont actually pray to a god or goddess most times people tend to channel them instead of solely aligning yourself with a singly deity
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