unwanted spirits

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unwanted spirits
Post # 1
I need to know the best way to get rid of spirits. I have lived in my house for almost twelve years. we were doing some remodeling a couple months ago and now we have at least 2 male spitits. they are not bad and my husbond is the only one that can hear them talking. I am new to wicca and not sure what to do.
please help.
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Re: unwanted spirits
Post # 2
Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram?

But if they don't bother you, why don't you learn to live with them.
I never had that problem, at least with inofensive spirits... but my grandmother says that sometimes when everyone was sleeping, she and my grandfather sometimes waked up hearing the sound of sewing machine, and it wasn't only them, some ppl also comented that, they called it "a costureirinha".

But if you want to get rid of those spirits, well they're harmless, but an exorcize could do.
Also keep in mind that an exorcize is "asking the precence of God on that given place"
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Re: unwanted spirits
Post # 3
Thanks, I wasn't sure if I should leave them or help them move on.
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Re: unwanted spirits
Post # 4
But i think the exorcism being too extreme,
I've seen one witch that live on my town, doing what you're asking, by burning some herbs, but I duno wich one's were
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