Newbie Tips.

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Newbie Tips.
Post # 1


Newbie's please read this, when you sign up you will get a message from the owner of the site, and one of the moderators. They will state and help direct you to "Newbie Central" this tab is locate on the " Home Page " the " Newbie Central " Will tell you all your need to know to start your way. You must study a lot too.

Newbie Central- This tab is for people who just started or just need a reread. If you are new you will have to read this to know some of the rules of the site. This will help you in your future here at SoM (Spells of Magic). Please not that if you do not read the rules you will be most likely to be gagged (that is when you brake the rules a multiple of times and a moderator warns you and you do it again, an the gagged will probably not be removed, so you will have to start a new account.) This also contains the Chatter Rules , please know you will have to read them because they trick you in one of them.

FAQS- If you haven't had any luck in Newbie Central then this is also a good information spot. You can ask questions and they already have some premade questions. Read them and see if your questions have been answered.

Fluffy- Is a rank you get when you sign up for Spells of Magic or SoM. In order to get to the next rank you must show that you can tell the difference between fake and real, and be mature.

Beginner- You know some things and are able to tell more about magick and the real magic. Showing that you know more, in order to hit the next rank you must contribute information about your knowing.

Novice- You know a extrodinary amount about magic and have contributed a lot of information to the site, you have also been good at helping others.

Knowledgable- You have been extremely great at giving advice to people, and giving a huge amount of information to the site. You have been great at giving help to people that are not following the rule.

Moderators- You are a helper in the site, making sure the Forums, Public Chatter, and the balance of the site is keeping in order making sure people are following the rules of the site and stuff like that member should not argue with the moderators and not argue about your or someone elses gagg if you do so you may be gagged or gagged again. Arguing about rules can get you gagged by a moderator, if you can find answers to your questions using Newbie Central or FAQS do not ask moderators.

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Re: Newbie Tips.
Post # 2

Ths is misinformation. I suggest anyone who wants a guide to how the site works read "SoM Survival Guide" in the articles section.

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Re: Newbie Tips.
Post # 3

Here is the link to SoM Survival Guide

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Re: Newbie Tips.
Post # 4

I would agree with Lady_Zeb. It would also be helpful to tune down the 'bold' next time as it's quite obnoxious.

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Re: Newbie Tips.
Post # 5

Well then again its my choince if I want to "tune" down the bold. It may sound misinformation to you but to me it makes sense. So please if you don't like it then don't post, plain and simple.

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Re: Newbie Tips.
Post # 6

It's not that I don't 'like it'. What you're posting is simply not correct.

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Re: Newbie Tips.
Post # 7

Fluffy is a rank that you get for spreading ridiculous information and talking about being fantastical creatures or of having fantastical skills.

The other ranks you get as you participate on this site and show some understanding of magick. Knowledgeable and Adept are the only ones who can rank you. They can choose which rank they feel you should have, your actual rank will change as you are voted on. It is a progressive system, and takes time to achieve.

You forgot to mention the Article section, which has several articles that are useful for many beginning, I recommend the SoM survival guide, it explains several things, it is long and worth the read.

Also the forum is a good place to find information. There is a search box at the top that can help you find something specific. The forum is extensive.

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