Just a little something.

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Just a little something.
Post # 1
Why do we say something is impossible with magic because it goes against nature? Many people say that about magic in general as well. Isn't magic just our power, love, and energy going into the divine's, letting them help us in out lives? Isn't they, not science, that decides what is/can/will happen and what won't? And that's just my two cents.
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Re: Just a little something.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Because the divine has yet to let everything most people say is "impossible" actually happen. That's a track record. After thousands of years, if they wanted people to have wings or turn into furry beast on full moons, I think we'd have seen it by now.
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Re: Just a little something.
Post # 3

The reason why we say somethings are impossible, because somethings, like transformations spell" can't be done, we literally can not transfor our body. Nor can we change our DNA, the laws of nature are the guidelines that separate real and fake. Most of the times, hundreds of paths try transforming and they can not, this is because the powers of transformation go beyond the line of Nature.

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