need help

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need help
Post # 1
So, last night I decided to meditate before bed and while I was trying to meditate I image came into of myself lying on my bed and the best was shaking it was very clear and vivid. Like it was myself looking at myself if you get me? I was meditating on my floor so how would it be possible to see myself on my bed?.

I pulled out the meditation and had a 5 minutes break. This time its like my mind was blank and next minute I saw this room. Bronw chairs. Mostly wooden stuff. I didn't go in the room though didn't know what it was. It felt like I was there. Any help there?

Also. I was sittting on my bed 10 minutes later and saw a orb on the curtain, and once I focused on the orb it turned into a figure. The figure I was a women with darkish hair keeping a straight face then when I blinked she has vanished.

And when I was about to go sleep I closed my eyes and saw a big flash which made me jump.

Help would be great.

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