Auras Indept.

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Auras Indept.
Post # 1

For so many years now its been said that everything on earth has a auras, as many say it called an electro-magnetic field, And of course the aura can bee seen via your third eye, your third eye has the ability to see things what your physical eyes can not see. Apparently in the early 19 century scientist expanded on the concept that humans on earth has a etheric substane, Commonly called ethereal body, Which is supposingly composed by higher frequency of subtle energy and finer pre-matter quantum particles which are intately bounded up with the physical body, as a product of creation of matter be electo-field manifestation through the quantum particles onto the physical plane.

Considering the amount of mechanics of subtle energy and energy matter interactions developed in the late 20th century academic sciences of bioenergyinformatics. And torison field physics, and giving thr advanced state of modern scientific instrumentation, if you ask me it seems reasonably and logical at the same time, it concludes that the aura can be quantified and tangible studied in a experimental matter. Indeed, since colours of light are defined by frequency, subtle energies and bio-energies that emanates from all living things can be quantified as electromagnetic field energy tht resonates with different frequencies of light.
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